Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Its My Birthday!!

Today was truly a great suprise. I was able to see how people truly care about me! I was given a surprise party from one of my good friends here andrea mason. She was worked diligently to be a great friend to me during this deployment and she showed it today with a surprise party with full participation from our unit. It was nice to see so many people out for my birthday and I thank god for that. I would have to say this deployment has taught me how to appreciate all the small and great things people have to offer. As I turn 31 I can say I have grown greatly in this last 6 months of 2008 and ready to claim mine in 2009! LET GET IT!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Okay so I know I have been slacking over the last three months with my Kuwaitty Journey. But honestly I started feeling like I was doing the same thing day in and day out with not much to exciting to share!! However guess what my time is winding down and I am so excited how God has totally transformed my life over these last six months. I have a new body (banging may I add) a new mind and spirit to serve God with all my might. I have lost some things over here in the desert and here they will stay but Thank God for an Oasis in the desert. I consider myself blessed to have found God and an truly anointed ministry here in Kuwait. I was appointed Dance ministry leader back in October. I have truly accepted my calling to that dance ministry, but it is a commitment not only of time but of soul. As the leader I am always praying for a clean heart and mind to lead others in the way the Lord would have them to go. We ministered to now behold the lamb and encourage yourself this past christmas and new years service can I say wow awesome.. The video is on youtube under Poeticdime... Arfijan Dance Ministry.. now behold the lamb.

So things I have done since last Blog..
Went to black and white ball. Yes we had a formal event and thanks to my sorors Shemeika and Katrina. I was fly!! They sent me my favorite pair of black and white pumps. Try walking in the sand and rocks with pumps on interesting feat. But I had the good and faithful flip flops, did like I did back in my clubn days when I had the flip flops in the purse for after the party. HAHA fun times.

I also had R&R in Qatar one of the richest countries in the middle east. I got to see serena and venus williams play tennis live and dive into fresh salt water and purchase real salt water pearlS!!

I will keep a post daily catching up on my fun in Kuwait.......!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I was released from Camp ArifJAIL!!!

Sorry its been a while for updates, but literally I was starting to feel the monotony of the day and getting a little bit of homesick fever. But God knows exactly what you need for that.......a trip away from normality. So last week I got to go to the other camps around the area and be the "shooter" I got to wear a gun in a holster with real bullets!! That was cool. Today I went to the Kuwait mall and aquaraim. It was the only place the president or king of Kuwait allowed them to build and no one may corrupt or destroy it. Kuwait is actually a beautiful city with reach mansions and oil refineries everywhere. IT makes you think why couldn't oil be produced in America, nope God blessed this land with oil to share with the world. But right now we are having trouble sharing huh??? The aquariam was nice I

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Camel's Hump!

So did you know that a camel's hump is not for the storage of water and in actuality it is fat. Yes FAT! So they accumulate fat in their humps so when it is metabolized and broke down it yields more than 1 g of water for each 1 g of fat converted through reaction with oxygen from air. So I rode my first camel in the desert. I was kinda of mad I found out at the last minute they were having a camel riding because I didn't have my long skirt on and long syra wrapped around my head for the occasion. But I rode it and sang my remake of Fergie's song,, "My humps, my humps, my lovely camel humps"! I found it hilarious that when it was time for me to ride the camel it got tired and it was time for the owner to take a break. So he is like hold on and im like what and don't you know that camel went down his front legs first and then back legs, I just knew I was going to fall of that camel! Look at my face! Im like so what is he going to do??? I need clarification. But it was funny becaus I got stuck on the camel while he was sitting and at that time people could come up and take pics with the camel face to face! So i am in the background of everyones pictures sitting on the camel, like the camel MODEL! Hilarous. I said now I don't want my pic ending up on myspace, facebook or nothing so photo shop me out!! Its almost October! YEAH

Thursday, September 18, 2008

OMG its almost the Middle of Sept!

So time is flying okay. I have been really busy and haven't had a thing to post about. But wanted to share some funny clips of night shift and the things we do to kill time. My niece asked me the other day so what do you do to pass time. Im like honestly its funny because I work out, go to the movie theater, basketball games, I read alot more, attend bible study, church service we have three cafeterias on base here. One is right across from our living are the other is a bus ride away. So its so funny on Sunday's my day off a group of us go to what we call OUT TO EAT and get on the bus to the other cafeteria to get away and hang out. They started a spoken word at Starbucks (coffee shop) yes they have a starbucks here there everywhere, I even got me a Kuwait starbucks mug, I may start collecting them they sell them everywhere. So i snapped a couple of pics me trying to live an ordinary life in kuwait. We are even having a pool party next week, don't know if im swim suit status just yet though. But getting there.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 brought me to Kuwait!

Today as we had a special memorial remembering Sept 11, 2001, I realized a greater purpose in life. Some of us well get up today and go about business as usual and it will be an after thought about what happened just 7 years ago. Until the news or radio in your car ride to work reminds you of that horrid day. I still remember what I was doing on that day. In the streets of Philly leaving my client at her school (I was a TSS) and going to my job at Temple, Curtis Hall as an Student Academic Career Counselor. I remember getting a phone call asking if I heard what happened and then driving pass Temple Towers and seeing everyone walking around in disbelief. I didn't go in to my job but instantly turned on the news radio to hear the story. I was in such a dream daze after hearing the planes that hit NY then the Pentagon. I could only stop and pray and ask GOD for forgiveness of my sins because I thought it was the Rapture and I wanted to be called up! I went back to my apartment and turned on the TV and the visual of the planes was even more devastating then hearing through the radio waves. I called my mom and she said to get down on my knees and just start praying. I tried to reach everyone and anyone I knew in NY or around the DC area, but the lines were down. So I got on the next best thing black planet and emailing. At that time in my life I was without direction and had not found my purpose in life. I was working two jobs, in a not so healthy relationship, my parents were going through a nasty divorce and I had truly had an emotional breakdown.

Now 7 years later I know 911 was just that it was my wake up emergency call! I have now found such a great purpose in life because of the events that occurred on that horrid day. Lives were lost but souls were saved. I stand here today serving as a nurse in the United States Navy. I would have never thought in my life I would be in the military. But I consider this battle I am fighting is the Lords Navy. He orchestrated every part of my role I am playing now. Although I am not front line, I am serving and caring for those that put themselves in harm way everyday for our safety, for our protection and for our 911! 911 changed lives and changed our world as we no it today. So on today don't just go on as work as usual but think about your own 911 your own emergency call for change. Wake up and be an advocate at your job in your political position and in your walk with God. I am proud to be apart of this time and day. Hate to sound cliche'ess but God Bless America!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


As lifes journey takes you from elevation to elevation of new experiences and encounters we have to realize that GOD is in control. He has set out a blue print for our life before we were created in our mothers womb. He gives us the tools to meet our destiny through his word and our faith. But still I ask why me GOD! He replies because I chose you for this time and this purpose. So as the wind blows I realize I am free I don't have to answer to the jurisdiction of a ruler or flee from my home because of the rains and storms of a hurricane. But answer to the storms and hurrianes in my life, asking God to be my shelter.

So as my heart is heavy and laden because of unfullfilled promises and dreams. I realize to set my heart on things eternal. I can't control people or their actions. But I can take control of my life and let God lead me. So as you hear my heart cry and my mind wanders I must be strong and keep my faith and realize love is a dangerous drug! One that can be used for deception or trust. One that can make you do things for people you wouldn't normally do, make you stay up at night craving it, drive around looking for it, or just put you on cloud nine for you to glow in it. Love can take you down the aisle as you meet your destiny or turn your back and walk away from it after it disappoints you too many times. I believe in Love I belive in therfore I am hopeful for LOVE, Love Uncondtionally!