Monday, September 29, 2008

The Camel's Hump!

So did you know that a camel's hump is not for the storage of water and in actuality it is fat. Yes FAT! So they accumulate fat in their humps so when it is metabolized and broke down it yields more than 1 g of water for each 1 g of fat converted through reaction with oxygen from air. So I rode my first camel in the desert. I was kinda of mad I found out at the last minute they were having a camel riding because I didn't have my long skirt on and long syra wrapped around my head for the occasion. But I rode it and sang my remake of Fergie's song,, "My humps, my humps, my lovely camel humps"! I found it hilarious that when it was time for me to ride the camel it got tired and it was time for the owner to take a break. So he is like hold on and im like what and don't you know that camel went down his front legs first and then back legs, I just knew I was going to fall of that camel! Look at my face! Im like so what is he going to do??? I need clarification. But it was funny becaus I got stuck on the camel while he was sitting and at that time people could come up and take pics with the camel face to face! So i am in the background of everyones pictures sitting on the camel, like the camel MODEL! Hilarous. I said now I don't want my pic ending up on myspace, facebook or nothing so photo shop me out!! Its almost October! YEAH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob I can picture you now singing MY Humps my lovely lady lumps check it out! LOL